Month: September 2023

Spring Garden

This morning in Minecraft I made a Spring Garden -…

Here is a screenshot

In the photo it looks like there’s a little bit too many animals but actualy there’s like 500. It was crazy!!!! I could barely see anything because it was so packed.

Then these those wandering traders. They’re kinda lonely.

How to Gmail

Kia Ora, I’m Beckett. today I’m gonna show you how to Gmail

1. Go to a new tab

2. Look at the top right of your screen or search

3. Click ‘Gmail’ or it will have al taken you to your gmail

4. It will take you to your gmail

5. In the top left of your screen  there will be a button saying ‘compose’ click it

6. The space where you’ll type your gmail will pop up

7. Write the gmail of the person you’re writing to in the space that says ‘To:’

8. Write your subject

9. Write your gmail

10. Start by using a greeting

11.  Keep to the subject

12. Say something positive and helpful

13. At the end you need a proofread and a sign off

That is how to Gmail.

Here is some of the work we’ve been doing in class about smart emails.